showing 19 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Circus Charlie  Soft Pro (Konami)1986platformer labelimageminimize
Family School  Tokyo Shoseki (Tokyo Shoseki;Toppan Printing)1987action/reflex puzzle labelimageminimize
Kid Icarus  Nintendo1987platformer shooter Fantasy labelimagesubject
Momotarō Densetsu: Peach Boy Legend  Hudson Soft1987role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
Kid Kool  Vic Tokai1988platformer labelimagesubject
Paperboy  Mindscape;Elite;Altron (Mindscape)1988action/reflex labelimagesubject
Shoukoushi Ceddie  Fuji Television (Graphic Research)1988adventure Historical Manga labelimageminimize
Little Red Hood  Joy Van;Sachen;HES (Thin Chen Enterprise)1989action/reflex adventure labelimagesubject
Adventures of Tom Sawyer  Seta (Winky Soft)1989platformer shooter labelimageminimize
Monster Party Bandai (Human)1989platformer Horror labelimagesubject
Circus Caper  Toho (Advance Communication Company)1989platformer labelimagesubject
Square no Tom Sawyer  Square1989role-play Historical labelimageminimize
Kiteretsu Daihyakka  Epoch1990platformer labelimageminimize
Little Nemo: The Dream Master  Capcom1990platformer Fantasy labelimagesubject
Jumpin' Kid: Jack to Mame no Ki Monogatari  Asmik (Now Production)1990platformer Fantasy labelimageminimize
Paperboy 2  Mindscape (Tengen)1991action/reflex racing/driving labelimagesubject
Home Alone T*HQ (Bethesda Softworks)1991platformer labelimageminimize
Day Dreamin' Davey  HAL Laboratory (HAL America)1992action/reflex adventure labelimagesubject
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York T*HQ (Imagineering)1992platformer labelimageminimize